
Afghanistan leg of Welsh Guards 100 completed

Today at Camp Qargha in Kabul, CSgt Rob Heath and Capt Ed Birrell completed the Afghan leg of Welsh Guards 100.

From what one can tell from the photos which Rob posted to Facebook this afternoon, it looks as though the day was quite overcast, but the temperature was a none too comfortable 28°C and as the altitude there is 1680m above sea level, these were not the easiest conditions for a marathon.

Still, they completed the 52 laps of Camp Qargha (26.2 miles) in 5h 1m, and don’t look too drained by the experience. It looks as though a few supporters turned out to cheer them on, and the Facebook post has received a lot of enthusiastic support as well, which must be heartening for them both.

Many congratulations to both, and with many thanks for accepting the WG100 challenge.