Welsh Guards History

The Welsh Guards was formed on the 26th of February 1915 at the request of King George V. Three days later, on St David’s Day, the Regiment mounted its first King’s Guard and shortly afterwards sailed for Northern France, winning its first Battle Honour at Loos on the 27th of September. The Welsh Guards served with distinction for the remainder of the First World War, proving itself to be a more than worthy member of the Household Division.
Since the First World War, the Welsh Guards has continued to uphold the highest standards of soldiering in both war and peacetime, serving in Northern Europe, Italy and Tunisia during the Second World War and in a number of other conflicts, including Aden, the Falklands and more recently Iraq and Afghanistan. The Regiment has also conducted peacekeeping missions in Palestine, Angola and Bosnia, to name but a few, whilst carrying out Ceremonial duties at the Royal Palaces as part of its dual role.